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Stepped process

Stepped process bar used for multiple steps forms process

How to use

Use a nav element with .o-stepbar class, containing an ordered list <ol> with .stepbar-item class on list items.

Be careful to choose short labels when using multiple steps process, otherwise label will be cut to preserve inline layout. More information can be carried on the title attribute of the .stepbar-link.

Use .current class to define current step, alongwith with aria-current="step".


<nav role="navigation" class="o-stepbar" aria-label="Checkout process">
    <p class="float-left mt-2 mr-2 font-weight-bold d-sm-none">Step</p>
        <li class="stepbar-item">
            <a class="stepbar-link" href="#" title="1. Sign in">Sign in</a>
        <li class="stepbar-item current">
            <a class="stepbar-link" href="#" title="2. Review" aria-current="step">Review</a>
        <li class="stepbar-item">
            <a class="stepbar-link" href="#" title="3. Delivery">Delivery</a>
        <li class="stepbar-item">
            <a class="stepbar-link" href="#" title="4. Payment">Payment</a>
        <li class="stepbar-item">
            <a class="stepbar-link" href="#" title="5. Place order">Place order</a>