
Indicate the current page’s location within a navigational hierarchy that automatically adds separators via CSS.


<nav role="navigation" aria-labelledby="breadcrumb-intro">
  <p class="sr-only" id="breadcrumb-intro">You are here:</p>
  <ol class="breadcrumb">
    <li class="breadcrumb-item active" aria-current="location">Home</li>

<nav role="navigation" aria-labelledby="breadcrumb-intro-2">
  <p class="sr-only" id="breadcrumb-intro-2">You are here:</p>
  <ol class="breadcrumb">
    <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
    <li class="breadcrumb-item active" aria-current="location">Library</li>

<nav role="navigation" aria-labelledby="breadcrumb-intro-3">
  <p class="sr-only" id="breadcrumb-intro-3">You are here:</p>
  <ol class="breadcrumb">
    <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
    <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="#">Library</a></li>
    <li class="breadcrumb-item active" aria-current="location">Data</li>

Changing the separator

Separators are automatically added in CSS through ::before as an inlined SVG in a background-image, passed through Boosted’s escape-svg() function.

In order to change the breadcrumb divider, you can replace inlined <svg> in $breadcrumb-divider.

$breadcrumb-divider: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 9 14'><path d='M9 2L7 0 0 7l7 7 2-2-5-5 5-5z'/></svg>");

The separator can be removed by setting $breadcrumb-divider to none:

$breadcrumb-divider: none;


Since breadcrumbs provide a navigation, it’s a good idea to add a meaningful label such as <p class="sr-only" id="breadcrumb-title">You are here:</p> to describe the type of navigation provided in the <nav aria-labelledby="breadcrumb-title"> element — please notice the id attribute on <p>, then referenced in aria-labelledby on <nav> — as well as applying an aria-current="location" to the last item of the set to indicate the current page.

For more information, see the WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for the breadcrumb pattern.