Get started with Boosted

Boosted is based on Bootstrap: a powerful, feature-packed frontend toolkit. Build anything—from prototype to production—in minutes.

About Orange Brand

As Boosted is based on Bootstrap, you’ll find in Boosted all the Bootstrap’s components and their variants, but with an Orange branded look.

Among those inherited components and variants, some exist in the Orange Design System and fully respect its design specifications and some don’t. Those ones should not be used in your projects to ensure a consistent user experience throughout our Orange web services.

As for maintainability reasons we have to keep them in this documentation, we tagged them with red incompatibility design callouts. They inform you of what should not be used from an Orange design point of view. They suggest, when available, a replacement solution and/or a link to the Orange Design System website to see other possibilities. Thanks for taking this information into account.

Design incompatibility callouts message example:

Incompatibility with Orange Design System. More information

This checkbox variant should not be used because it does not respect the Orange Design System specifications.

From the Orange Design System point of view, checkboxes should be represented like in our Boosted Checks component. You can also refer to the Checkbox guidelines on on the Orange Design System website.

In the same spirit, some blue recommendation design callouts will inform you of specific Orange Design System recommendations.

Design recommendation callouts message example:

Orange Design System recommendation.
To display basic tables, Orange Design System recommends using these compact tables.

Quick start

Get started by including Boosted’s production-ready CSS and JavaScript via CDN without the need for any build steps. See it in practice with this Boosted CodePen demo.

  1. Create a new index.html file in your project root. Include the <meta name="viewport"> tag as well for proper responsive behavior in mobile devices.

    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
        <title>Boosted demo</title>
        <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
  2. Include Boosted’s CSS and JS. Place the <link> tag in the <head> for our CSS, and the <script> tag for our JavaScript bundle (including Popper for positioning dropdowns, poppers, and tooltips) before the closing </body>. Learn more about our CDN links.

    Boosted also provides Helvetica Neue fonts, limited to Orange brand usage: see NOTICE.txt for more information about Helvetica Neue license.

    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
        <title>Boosted demo</title>
        <!-- Copyright © 2014 Monotype Imaging Inc. All rights reserved -->
        <link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-A0Qk1uKfS1i83/YuU13i2nx5pk79PkIfNFOVzTcjCMPGKIDj9Lqx9lJmV7cdBVQZ" crossorigin="anonymous">
        <link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-laZ3JUZ5Ln2YqhfBvadDpNyBo7w5qmWaRnnXuRwNhJeTEFuSdGbzl4ZGHAEnTozR" crossorigin="anonymous">
        <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
        <script src="" integrity="sha384-3RoJImQ+Yz4jAyP6xW29kJhqJOE3rdjuu9wkNycjCuDnGAtC/crm79mLcwj1w2o/" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

    You can also include Popper and our JS separately. If you don’t plan to use dropdowns, popovers, or tooltips, save some kilobytes by not including Popper.

    <script src="" integrity="sha384-I7E8VVD/ismYTF4hNIPjVp/Zjvgyol6VFvRkX/vR+Vc4jQkC+hVqc2pM8ODewa9r" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    <script src="" integrity="sha384-TfjOlWccrKKSEc/hJqxs6Tofoh4+tlm//VJYb92Ow7aPNtgfaKuuLsnFqObi3xmp" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  3. Hello, world! Open the page in your browser of choice to see your Boosted page. Now you can start building with Boosted by creating your own layout, adding dozens of components, and utilizing our official examples.

As reference, here are our primary CDN links.

Description URL
CSS for Helvetica Neue

You can also use the CDN to fetch any of our additional builds listed in the Contents page.

Next steps

JS components

Curious which components explicitly require our JavaScript and Popper? If you’re at all unsure about the general page structure, keep reading for an example page template.

  • Alerts for dismissing and Close button tooltip
  • Buttons for toggling states and checkbox/radio functionality
  • Carousel for all slide behaviors, controls, and indicators
  • Close button for displaying and positioning tooltip
  • Collapse for toggling visibility of content
  • Dropdowns for displaying and positioning (also requires Popper)
  • Footer for extending our Collapse plugin to implement responsive behavior
  • Modals for displaying, positioning, scroll behavior, and Close button tooltip
  • Navbar for extending our Collapse and Offcanvas plugins to implement responsive behaviors, and Close button tooltip (Offcanvas only)
  • Navs with the Tab plugin for toggling content panes
  • Offcanvases for displaying, positioning, scroll behavior, and Close button tooltip
  • Orange navbar for minimizing the header
  • Quantity selector for incrementing/decrementing number value
  • Scrollspy for scroll behavior and navigation updates
  • Toasts for displaying, dismissing, and Close button tooltip
  • Tooltips and popovers for displaying and positioning (also requires Popper)

Required script

Boosted includes WICG’s :focus-visible polyfill to ensure an enhanced focus visibility for keyboard users while shutting down focus styles on active state. However, if you don’t need or want to use Boosted’s JavaScript files, you’ll still need to use the polyfill.

<script src="" integrity="sha384-xRa5B8rCDfdg0npZcxAh+RXswrbFk3g6dlHVeABeluN8EIwdyljz/LqJgc2R3KNA" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Important globals

Boosted employs a handful of important global styles and settings, all of which are almost exclusively geared towards the normalization of cross browser styles. Let’s dive in.

HTML5 doctype

Boosted requires the use of the HTML5 doctype. Without it, you’ll see some funky and incomplete styling.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

Viewport meta

Boosted is developed mobile first, a strategy in which we optimize code for mobile devices first and then scale up components as necessary using CSS media queries. To ensure proper rendering and touch zooming for all devices, add the responsive viewport meta tag to your <head>.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

You can see an example of this in action in the quick start.


For more straightforward sizing in CSS, we switch the global box-sizing value from content-box to border-box. This ensures padding does not affect the final computed width of an element, but it can cause problems with some third-party software like Google Maps and Google Custom Search Engine.

On the rare occasion you need to override it, use something like the following:

.selector-for-some-widget {
  box-sizing: content-box;

With the above snippet, nested elements—including generated content via ::before and ::after—will all inherit the specified box-sizing for that .selector-for-some-widget.

Learn more about box model and sizing at CSS Tricks.

Resource Hints

Resource hints are meant to optimize browser loading strategy, by either preloading assets, prefetching DNS or preconnecting to domains — but please use them carefully and only to hint resources you’ll really be using soon. It should be used for critical resources only.

preload fonts

<link rel="preload" href="dist/fonts/HelvNeue75_W1G.woff2" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin="anonymous">
<link rel="preload" href="dist/fonts/HelvNeue55_W1G.woff2" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin="anonymous">

preconnect to CDNs

<link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin="anonymous">


For improved cross-browser rendering, we use Reboot to correct inconsistencies across browsers and devices while providing slightly more opinionated resets to common HTML elements.

Boosted community

Stay up-to-date on the development of Boosted and reach out to the community with these helpful resources.

  • Ask questions and explore our GitHub Discussions.
  • Chat with the core team and fellow Boosted users on internal Orange communication tools.

Bootstrap Community

Stay up-to-date on the development of Bootstrap and reach out to the community with these helpful resources.

You can also follow @getbootstrap on Twitter for the latest gossip and awesome music videos.