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License FAQs

Commonly asked questions about Boosted’s open source license.

Boosted license

Boosted is released under the MIT license and is copyright 2022 Orange SA for additions to native Bootstrap, which is released under MIT license and copyright 2022 Twitter.

It requires you to:

  • Keep the license and copyright notice included in Boosted and Bootstrap’s CSS and JavaScript files when you use them in your works

It permits you to:

  • Freely download and use Boosted or Bootstrap, in whole or in part, for personal, private, company internal, or commercial purposes
  • Use Boosted or Bootstrap in packages or distributions that you create
  • Modify the source code
  • Grant a sublicense to modify and distribute Boosted or Bootstrap to third parties not included in the license

It forbids you to:

  • Hold the authors and license owners liable for damages as Boosted and Bootstrap are provided without warranty
  • Hold the creators or copyright holders of Boosted or Bootstrap liable
  • Redistribute any piece of Boosted or Bootstrap without proper attribution
  • Use any marks owned by Orange SA or Twitter in any way that might state or imply that Orange SA or Twitter endorses your distribution
  • Use any marks owned by Orange SA or Twitter in any way that might state or imply that you created the Orange SA or Twitter software in question

It does not require you to:

  • Include the source of Boosted nor Bootstrap itself, or of any modifications you may have made to it, in any redistribution you may assemble that includes it
  • Submit changes that you make to Boosted or Bootstrap back to their respective project (though such feedback is encouraged)

For more information, the full Boosted license is located in the project repository, and Bootstrap license is located in the project repository.