Documentation and examples for using Boosted custom progress bars featuring support for stacked bars, animated backgrounds, and text labels.

How it works

Progress components are built with two HTML elements, some CSS to set the width, and a few attributes. We don’t use the HTML5 <progress> element, ensuring you can stack progress bars, animate them, and place text labels over them.

  • We use the .progress as a wrapper to indicate the max value of the progress bar.
  • We use the inner .progress-bar to indicate the progress so far.
  • The .progress-bar requires an inline style, utility class, or custom CSS to set their width.
  • The .progress-bar also requires some role and aria attributes to make it accessible, including an accessible name (using aria-label, aria-labelledby, or similar).

Put that all together, and you have the following examples.

<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-label="Basic example" aria-valuenow="0" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-label="Basic example" style="width: 25%" aria-valuenow="25" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-label="Basic example" style="width: 50%" aria-valuenow="50" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-label="Basic example" style="width: 75%" aria-valuenow="75" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-label="Basic example" style="width: 100%" aria-valuenow="100" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>

Boosted provides a handful of utilities for setting width. Depending on your needs, these may help with quickly configuring progress.

<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar w-75" role="progressbar" aria-label="Basic example" aria-valuenow="75" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>


Add labels to your progress bars by placing text within the .progress-bar.

<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar"  aria-label="Example with label" style="width: 25%;" aria-valuenow="25" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100">25%</div>


We only set a height value on the .progress, so if you change that value the inner .progress-bar will automatically resize accordingly.

<div class="progress" style="height: 1px;">
  <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-label="Example 1px high" style="width: 25%;" aria-valuenow="25" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
<div class="progress" style="height: 20px;">
  <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-label="Example 20px high" style="width: 25%;" aria-valuenow="25" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>


Boosted also provides size variants for progress bar: simply add .progress-xs or .progress-sm.

<div class="progress progress-xs">
  <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-label="Extra small example" style="width: 25%;" aria-valuenow="25" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
<div class="progress progress-sm">
  <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-label="Small example" style="width: 25%;" aria-valuenow="25" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>


Use background utility classes to change the appearance of individual progress bars.

<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar bg-success" role="progressbar" aria-label="Success example" style="width: 25%" aria-valuenow="25" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar bg-info" role="progressbar" aria-label="Info example" style="width: 50%" aria-valuenow="50" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar bg-warning" role="progressbar" aria-label="Warning example" style="width: 75%" aria-valuenow="75" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar bg-danger" role="progressbar" aria-label="Danger example" style="width: 100%" aria-valuenow="100" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
Conveying meaning to assistive technologies

Using color to add meaning only provides a visual indication, which will not be conveyed to users of assistive technologies – such as screen readers. Ensure that information denoted by the color is either obvious from the content itself (e.g. the visible text), or is included through alternative means, such as additional text hidden with the .visually-hidden class.

Multiple bars

Include multiple progress bars in a progress component if you need.

<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-label="Segment one" style="width: 15%" aria-valuenow="15" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
  <div class="progress-bar bg-success" role="progressbar" aria-label="Segment two" style="width: 30%" aria-valuenow="30" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
  <div class="progress-bar bg-info" role="progressbar" aria-label="Segment three" style="width: 20%" aria-valuenow="20" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>


Add .progress-bar-striped to any .progress-bar to apply a stripe via CSS gradient over the progress bar’s background color.

<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped" role="progressbar" aria-label="Default striped example" style="width: 10%" aria-valuenow="10" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped bg-success" role="progressbar" aria-label="Success striped example" style="width: 25%" aria-valuenow="25" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped bg-info" role="progressbar" aria-label="Info striped example" style="width: 50%" aria-valuenow="50" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped bg-warning" role="progressbar" aria-label="Warning striped example" style="width: 75%" aria-valuenow="75" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped bg-danger" role="progressbar" aria-label="Danger striped example" style="width: 100%" aria-valuenow="100" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>

Animated stripes

The striped gradient can also be animated. Add .progress-bar-animated to .progress-bar to animate the stripes right to left via CSS3 animations.

<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated" role="progressbar" aria-label="Animated striped example" aria-valuenow="75" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: 75%"></div>



Added in v5.2.0

As part of Boosted’s evolving CSS variables approach, progress bars now use local CSS variables on .progress for enhanced real-time customization. Values for the CSS variables are set via Sass, so Sass customization is still supported, too.

  --#{$prefix}progress-height: #{$progress-height};
  @include rfs($progress-font-size, --#{$prefix}progress-font-size);
  --#{$prefix}progress-bg: #{$progress-bg};
  --#{$prefix}progress-border-radius: #{$progress-border-radius};
  --#{$prefix}progress-box-shadow: #{$progress-box-shadow};
  --#{$prefix}progress-bar-color: #{$progress-bar-color};
  --#{$prefix}progress-bar-font-weight: #{$progress-bar-font-weight}; // Boosted mod
  --#{$prefix}progress-bar-text-indent: #{$progress-bar-text-indent}; // Boosted mod
  --#{$prefix}progress-bar-bg: #{$progress-bar-bg};
  --#{$prefix}progress-bar-transition: #{$progress-bar-transition};

Small and extra small progress bar modifier classes are used to update the values of these CSS variables as needed. For example, the .progress-xs class does the following:

  --#{$prefix}progress-height: #{$progress-height-xs};

And the .progress-sm:

  --#{$prefix}progress-height: #{$progress-height-sm};

Sass variables

$progress-height:                   $spacer;
$progress-font-size:                $font-size-base;
$progress-bg:                       $gray-300;
$progress-border-radius:            $border-radius;
$progress-box-shadow:               $box-shadow-inset;
$progress-bar-color:                $black;
$progress-bar-font-weight:          $font-weight-bold; // Boosted mod
$progress-bar-text-indent:          map-get($spacers, 2); // Boosted mod
$progress-bar-bg:                   $primary;
$progress-bar-animation-timing:     1s linear infinite;
$progress-bar-transition:           width .6s ease;

// Boosted mod
$progress-height-sm:                $spacer * .5;
$progress-height-xs:                $spacer * .25;
// End mod


Used for creating the CSS animations for .progress-bar-animated. Included in scss/_progress-bar.scss.

@if $enable-transitions {
  @keyframes progress-bar-stripes {
    0% { background-position-x: $progress-height; }